Tokenize and sequence a bigger corpus of text

So far, you have written some test sentences and generated a word index and then created sequences for the sentences.

Now you will tokenize and sequence a larger body of text, specifically reviews from Amazon and Yelp.

About the dataset

You will use a dataset containing Amazon and Yelp reviews of products and restaurants. This dataset was originally extracted from Kaggle.

The dataset includes reviews, and each review is labelled as 0 (bad) or 1 (good). However, in this exercise, you will only work with the reviews, not the labels, to practice tokenizing and sequencing the text.

Example good reviews:

  • This is hands down the best phone I've ever had.
  • Four stars for the food & the guy in the blue shirt for his great vibe & still letting us in to eat !

Example bad reviews:

  • A lady at the table next to us found a live green caterpillar In her salad
  • If you plan to use this in a car forget about it.

See more reviews

Feel free to download the dataset from a drive folder belonging to Udacity and open it on your local machine to see more reviews.

In [1]:
# Import Tokenizer and pad_sequences
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences

# Import numpy and pandas
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Get the corpus of text

The combined dataset of reviews has been saved in a Google drive belonging to Udacity. You can download it from there.

In [2]:
path = tf.keras.utils.get_file('reviews.csv', 
print (path)
Downloading data from
131072/127831 [==============================] - 0s 0us/step

Get the dataset

Each row in the csv file is a separate review.

The csv file has 2 columns:

  • text (the review)
  • sentiment (0 or 1 indicating a bad or good review)
In [3]:
# Read the csv file
dataset = pd.read_csv(path)

# Review the first few entries in the dataset
Unnamed: 0 text sentiment
0 0 So there is no way for me to plug it in here i... 0
1 1 Good case Excellent value. 1
2 2 Great for the jawbone. 1
3 3 Tied to charger for conversations lasting more... 0
4 4 The mic is great. 1

Get the reviews from the csv file

In [4]:
# Get the reviews from the text column
reviews = dataset['text'].tolist()

Tokenize the text

Create the tokenizer, specify the OOV token, tokenize the text, then inspect the word index.

In [5]:
tokenizer = Tokenizer(oov_token="<OOV>")

word_index = tokenizer.word_index
{'<OOV>': 1, 'the': 2, 'and': 3, 'i': 4, 'a': 5, 'it': 6, 'to': 7, 'is': 8, 'was': 9, 'this': 10, 'of': 11, 'not': 12, 'for': 13, 'my': 14, 'in': 15, 'with': 16, 'very': 17, 'good': 18, 'great': 19, 'phone': 20, 'that': 21, 'on': 22, 'have': 23, 'you': 24, 'food': 25, 'had': 26, 'place': 27, 'so': 28, 'but': 29, 'service': 30, 'are': 31, 'be': 32, 'we': 33, 'all': 34, 'as': 35, 'at': 36, 'like': 37, 'they': 38, 'time': 39, 'back': 40, 'one': 41, 'were': 42, 'quality': 43, 'would': 44, 'really': 45, 'here': 46, 'if': 47, 'from': 48, 'well': 49, 'your': 50, 'just': 51, 'product': 52, 'up': 53, 'best': 54, "don't": 55, 'no': 56, 'will': 57, 'an': 58, 'there': 59, 'go': 60, 'me': 61, 'has': 62, 'only': 63, 'also': 64, 'works': 65, "i've": 66, 'out': 67, 'headset': 68, 'nice': 69, 'ever': 70, 'battery': 71, "it's": 72, 'sound': 73, 'than': 74, 'use': 75, 'or': 76, 'when': 77, "i'm": 78, 'our': 79, 'get': 80, 'what': 81, 'their': 82, 'after': 83, 'love': 84, 'been': 85, 'did': 86, 'excellent': 87, 'recommend': 88, 'even': 89, 'more': 90, 'again': 91, 'first': 92, 'too': 93, 'work': 94, 'which': 95, 'ear': 96, 'about': 97, '2': 98, 'better': 99, 'can': 100, 'never': 101, 'price': 102, 'any': 103, 'could': 104, 'bad': 105, 'because': 106, 'do': 107, 'made': 108, 'got': 109, 'case': 110, 'pretty': 111, 'much': 112, 'by': 113, 'now': 114, 'disappointed': 115, 'worst': 116, 'friendly': 117, 'does': 118, 'them': 119, 'some': 120, 'then': 121, 'think': 122, 'am': 123, 'came': 124, 'minutes': 125, 'money': 126, 'new': 127, 'enough': 128, 'still': 129, 'these': 130, 'other': 131, 'amazing': 132, 'restaurant': 133, 'going': 134, 'how': 135, 'definitely': 136, 'say': 137, 'happy': 138, 'off': 139, 'experience': 140, 'delicious': 141, 'way': 142, 'two': 143, 'few': 144, 'while': 145, 'over': 146, 'being': 147, 'vegas': 148, 'us': 149, 'right': 150, 'poor': 151, 'thing': 152, 'everything': 153, "won't": 154, 'he': 155, 'far': 156, 'went': 157, "didn't": 158, 'car': 159, 'make': 160, '1': 161, 'item': 162, 'worked': 163, 'terrible': 164, 'always': 165, 'charger': 166, 'waste': 167, 'comfortable': 168, 'people': 169, 'want': 170, 'buy': 171, 'used': 172, 'staff': 173, 'eat': 174, 'long': 175, 'bought': 176, 'little': 177, 'bluetooth': 178, 'down': 179, 'easy': 180, 'its': 181, 'impressed': 182, '5': 183, 'reception': 184, 'piece': 185, 'awesome': 186, 'ordered': 187, 'stars': 188, 'times': 189, "doesn't": 190, 'fine': 191, 'lot': 192, 'know': 193, "wasn't": 194, 'chicken': 195, 'charge': 196, 'life': 197, 'since': 198, 'order': 199, 'found': 200, 'tried': 201, 'both': 202, 'fantastic': 203, 'same': 204, 'every': 205, 'before': 206, 'customer': 207, 'quite': 208, 'take': 209, 'another': 210, 'menu': 211, 'salad': 212, 'pizza': 213, 'last': 214, 'problem': 215, 'purchase': 216, 'cell': 217, 'around': 218, 'small': 219, 'slow': 220, 'horrible': 221, 'worth': 222, 'many': 223, 'feel': 224, "can't": 225, 'fresh': 226, 'wait': 227, 'steak': 228, 'highly': 229, 'she': 230, 'talk': 231, 'sure': 232, '3': 233, 'camera': 234, 'calls': 235, 'device': 236, "couldn't": 237, 'night': 238, 'overall': 239, 'probably': 240, 'day': 241, 'come': 242, 'next': 243, 'taste': 244, 'server': 245, 'sushi': 246, 'flavor': 247, 'problems': 248, 'volume': 249, 'into': 250, 'absolutely': 251, 'hear': 252, 'years': 253, 'clear': 254, 'real': 255, 'cool': 256, 'working': 257, 'using': 258, 'motorola': 259, 'fit': 260, 'look': 261, 'try': 262, 'give': 263, 'bland': 264, 'nothing': 265, 'said': 266, 'coming': 267, 'burger': 268, 'plug': 269, 'must': 270, 'design': 271, 'who': 272, 'makes': 273, 'loved': 274, 'looks': 275, 'call': 276, 'fits': 277, 'getting': 278, 'cheap': 279, 'side': 280, 'where': 281, 'family': 282, 'low': 283, 'however': 284, 'deal': 285, 'hard': 286, 'perfect': 287, 'tasty': 288, 'buffet': 289, 'meal': 290, 'atmosphere': 291, 'several': 292, 'without': 293, 'months': 294, 'left': 295, 'phones': 296, 'should': 297, 'seriously': 298, 'big': 299, 'super': 300, 'expect': 301, 'area': 302, 'screen': 303, 'once': 304, 'felt': 305, "i'd": 306, 'bit': 307, 'year': 308, 'return': 309, 'either': 310, 'old': 311, 'disappointing': 312, 'hot': 313, 'took': 314, 'soon': 315, 'selection': 316, 'prices': 317, 'sauce': 318, 'lunch': 319, 'breakfast': 320, 'waited': 321, 'days': 322, 'helpful': 323, 'need': 324, 'kept': 325, 'priced': 326, 'find': 327, 'wear': 328, 'received': 329, 'high': 330, 'light': 331, 'fast': 332, 'completely': 333, 'job': 334, 'kind': 335, 'perfectly': 336, 'stay': 337, '10': 338, 'company': 339, 'disappointment': 340, 'hands': 341, 'amazon': 342, 'looking': 343, "i'll": 344, 'away': 345, 'bar': 346, 'inside': 347, 'fries': 348, 'table': 349, 'sandwich': 350, 'meat': 351, 'dishes': 352, 'clean': 353, 'cold': 354, 'most': 355, 'three': 356, 'simple': 357, 'verizon': 358, 'dropped': 359, 'end': 360, 'buttons': 361, 'different': 362, 'gets': 363, 'home': 364, 'arrived': 365, 'quickly': 366, 'broke': 367, 'black': 368, 'may': 369, 'jabra': 370, 'pleased': 371, 'done': 372, 'avoid': 373, 'voice': 374, 'check': 375, 'extremely': 376, 'thought': 377, 'tell': 378, 'junk': 379, 'couple': 380, 'especially': 381, 'unit': 382, 'anyone': 383, 'unfortunately': 384, 'wrong': 385, 'none': 386, 'hour': 387, 'waitress': 388, 'beer': 389, 'dish': 390, 'eating': 391, 'dining': 392, 'spicy': 393, 'spot': 394, 'rude': 395, 'tasted': 396, 'value': 397, 'each': 398, 'started': 399, 'though': 400, 'everyone': 401, 'picture': 402, 'audio': 403, 'loud': 404, 'week': 405, 'feels': 406, 'headsets': 407, 'huge': 408, 'full': 409, 'software': 410, 'during': 411, 'hours': 412, 'internet': 413, 'less': 414, 'put': 415, 'useless': 416, 'color': 417, 'part': 418, 'expected': 419, 'authentic': 420, 'nokia': 421, 'anything': 422, 'sucks': 423, 'ago': 424, 'wanted': 425, 'waiting': 426, 'rather': 427, 'those': 428, 'things': 429, 'cannot': 430, 'enjoy': 431, 'barely': 432, 'quick': 433, 'pay': 434, 'awful': 435, 'mediocre': 436, 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'mouth': 905, "you're": 906, 'tip': 907, 'cafe': 908, 'ambience': 909, 'honest': 910, 'busy': 911, 'delish': 912, 'melt': 913, 'cheese': 914, 'subway': 915, 'restaurants': 916, 'empty': 917, 'ate': 918, 'watched': 919, 'stale': 920, 'treated': 921, 'vegetarian': 922, 'healthy': 923, 'interesting': 924, 'decor': 925, 'butter': 926, 'egg': 927, 'dog': 928, 'insulted': 929, 'hope': 930, 'brunch': 931, 'soggy': 932, 'lobster': 933, 'flavorful': 934, 'par': 935, 'generous': 936, 'patio': 937, 'outstanding': 938, "friend's": 939, 'pizzas': 940, 'pulled': 941, 'pleasant': 942, 'equally': 943, 'bathroom': 944, 'door': 945, 'deserves': 946, 'stomach': 947, 'green': 948, 'beans': 949, 'regular': 950, '35': 951, 'bill': 952, 'worse': 953, 'meals': 954, 'homemade': 955, 'gone': 956, 'desserts': 957, 'boyfriend': 958, 'maybe': 959, 'half': 960, 'list': 961, 'vibe': 962, 'him': 963, 'edible': 964, 'seating': 965, 'style': 966, 'salsa': 967, 'lacked': 968, 'lasting': 969, '45': 970, 'imagine': 971, 'extended': 972, 'notice': 973, 'tooth': 974, 'advise': 975, 'fire': 976, 'run': 977, 'pull': 978, 'unusable': 979, 'juice': 980, 'short': 981, 'regarding': 982, 'turns': 983, 'pda': 984, 'neat': 985, '15': 986, 'essentially': 987, 'forget': 988, 'tech': 989, 'clearly': 990, 'mp3': 991, 'songs': 992, 'lock': 993, 'died': 994, 'glasses': 995, 'sometimes': 996, 'series': 997, 'quiet': 998, 'docking': 999, 'd807': 1000, 'advertised': 1001, 'handy': 1002, 'cheaper': 1003, 'costs': 1004, 'buyer': 1005, 'beware': 1006, 'apparently': 1007, 'flaw': 1008, 'expectations': 1009, 'resolution': 1010, 'slim': 1011, 'sex': 1012, 'toast': 1013, 'sleek': 1014, 'keypad': 1015, 'unhappy': 1016, 'winner': 1017, 'careful': 1018, 'logitech': 1019, 'recognition': 1020, 'tremendous': 1021, 'takes': 1022, 'stated': 1023, 'blackberry': 1024, 'sounds': 1025, 'funny': 1026, 'technology': 1027, 'wired': 1028, 'previous': 1029, 's': 1030, 'w810i': 1031, 'superb': 1032, 'maintain': 1033, "shouldn't": 1034, 'graphics': 1035, 'button': 1036, 'thank': 1037, 'igo': 1038, 'tips': 1039, 'connected': 1040, "wife's": 1041, 'whether': 1042, 'likes': 1043, 'storage': 1044, 'buzzing': 1045, 'override': 1046, 'functionality': 1047, 'ring': 1048, 'dropping': 1049, 'hardly': 1050, "you'll": 1051, 'incredibly': 1052, 'strange': 1053, 'living': 1054, 'issues': 1055, 'embarrassing': 1056, 'mostly': 1057, 'consumer': 1058, 'background': 1059, 'usually': 1060, 'excited': 1061, 'additional': 1062, 'gels': 1063, 'purpose': 1064, 'secure': 1065, 'appears': 1066, 'rubber': 1067, 'smell': 1068, 'caused': 1069, 'flimsy': 1070, 'month': 1071, 'flawlessly': 1072, 'giving': 1073, 'rotating': 1074, 'adorable': 1075, 'thru': 1076, 'wise': 1077, 'compliments': 1078, 'dialing': 1079, 'games': 1080, 'ipod': 1081, 'recharge': 1082, 'appealing': 1083, 'save': 1084, 'along': 1085, 'starts': 1086, 'ringing': 1087, 'auto': 1088, 'push': 1089, 'skype': 1090, 'self': 1091, 'help': 1092, 'shipped': 1093, 'promptly': 1094, 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2778, 'sign': 2779, 'decide': 2780, 'humiliated': 2781, 'worker': 2782, 'name': 2783, 'callings': 2784, 'conclusion': 2785, 'daily': 2786, 'specials': 2787, 'tragedy': 2788, 'struck': 2789, 'pancake': 2790, 'crawfish': 2791, 'monster': 2792, "mom's": 2793, 'multi': 2794, 'grain': 2795, 'pumpkin': 2796, 'pecan': 2797, 'fluffy': 2798, 'airline': 2799, 'noca': 2800, 'gyro': 2801, 'lettuce': 2802, 'thoroughly': 2803, 'pastas': 2804, 'cheesecurds': 2805, 'typical': 2806, 'glance': 2807, 'finger': 2808, 'beauty': 2809, 'greasy': 2810, 'unhealthy': 2811, 'similarly': 2812, 'man': 2813, 'apology': 2814, 'tiramisu': 2815, 'cannoli': 2816, 'sun': 2817, 'meats': 2818, 'frenchman': 2819, 'martini': 2820, 'opinion': 2821, 'gc': 2822, 'sample': 2823, 'thirty': 2824, 'vacant': 2825, 'yellowtail': 2826, 'carpaccio': 2827, 'strangers': 2828, 'hello': 2829, 'donut': 2830, 'saving': 2831, 'disgraceful': 2832, 'suffers': 2833, 'greens': 2834, 'hearts': 2835, 'hankering': 2836, 'forth': 2837, 'consider': 2838, 'theft': 2839, 'eew': 2840, 'complete': 2841, 'overhaul': 2842, 'witnessed': 2843, 'guests': 2844, 'regularly': 2845, 'swung': 2846, 'deeply': 2847, 'efficient': 2848, 'sucker': 2849, 'olives': 2850, 'perpared': 2851, 'giant': 2852, 'slices': 2853, 'dusted': 2854, 'powdered': 2855, 'sugar': 2856, 'fo': 2857, 'accomodate': 2858, 'vegan': 2859, 'veggie': 2860, 'crumby': 2861, 'pale': 2862, 'croutons': 2863, "it'll": 2864, 'trips': 2865, 'crema': 2866, 'café': 2867, 'expanded': 2868, 'miss': 2869, 'philadelphia': 2870, 'north': 2871, 'scottsdale': 2872, 'soooooo': 2873, 'freaking': 2874, 'papers': 2875, 'reheated': 2876, 'wedges': 2877, 'absolute': 2878, 'tongue': 2879, 'cheek': 2880, 'bloody': 2881, 'mary': 2882, 'businesses': 2883, 'yellow': 2884, 'saffron': 2885, 'seasoning': 2886, 'grandmother': 2887, 'ignored': 2888, 'hostess': 2889, 'myself': 2890, 'boys': 2891, 'shirt': 2892, 'drastically': 2893, 'caesar': 2894, 'madhouse': 2895, 'proven': 2896, 'greatest': 2897, 'moods': 2898, 'macarons': 2899, 'insanely': 2900, 'informative': 2901, "weren't": 2902, 'deliver': 2903, 'plater': 2904, 'relax': 2905, 'sit': 2906, 'screams': 2907, "somethat's": 2908, 'duo': 2909, 'violinists': 2910, 'requested': 2911, 'personally': 2912, 'baklava': 2913, 'falafels': 2914, 'baba': 2915, 'ganoush': 2916, 'mgm': 2917, 'courteous': 2918, 'eclectic': 2919, 'onion': 2920, 'rings': 2921, 'nobu': 2922, 'google': 2923, 'smashburger': 2924, 'lover': 2925, 'gem': 2926, 'plantains': 2927, 'spends': 2928, 'themselves': 2929, 'panna': 2930, 'cotta': 2931, 'flavors': 2932, 'slaw': 2933, 'drenched': 2934, 'piano': 2935, 'soundtrack': 2936, 'rge': 2937, 'fillet': 2938, 'relleno': 2939, 'sergeant': 2940, 'auju': 2941, 'hawaiian': 2942, 'breeze': 2943, 'mango': 2944, 'magic': 2945, 'pineapple': 2946, 'smoothies': 2947, 'mortified': 2948, 'anyways': 2949, 'dripping': 2950, '2007': 2951, 'hospitality': 2952, 'industry': 2953, 'paradise': 2954, 'refrained': 2955, 'recommending': 2956, 'cibo': 2957, 'mean': 2958, 'famous': 2959, 'mouths': 2960, 'bellies': 2961, 'reminded': 2962, 'dough': 2963, 'tonight': 2964, 'elk': 2965, 'hooked': 2966, 'classics': 2967, 'sorely': 2968, 'quaint': 2969, 'deliciously': 2970, 'dylan': 2971, 'tummy': 2972, 'gratuity': 2973, 'larger': 2974, 'apple': 2975, 'han': 2976, 'nan': 2977, "ryan's": 2978, 'edinburgh': 2979, 'revisiting': 2980, 'naan': 2981, 'pine': 2982, 'nut': 2983, 'touched': 2984, 'airport': 2985, 'speedy': 2986, 'calligraphy': 2987, 'stood': 2988, 'begin': 2989, 'awkwardly': 2990, 'opened': 2991, 'guest': 2992, 'extensive': 2993, 'wide': 2994, 'array': 2995, 'inflate': 2996, 'smaller': 2997, 'grow': 2998, 'rapidly': 2999, 'lil': 3000, 'fuzzy': 3001, 'wontons': 3002, 'thick': 3003, 'level': 3004, 'spice': 3005, 'whelm': 3006, 'main': 3007, 'older': 3008, '30s': 3009, 'arepas': 3010, 'jalapeno': 3011, 'shoe': 3012, 'block': 3013, 'fancy': 3014, 'affordable': 3015, 'sour': 3016, 'soups': 3017, 'sunday': 3018, 'traditional': 3019, 'hunan': 3020, 'flair': 3021, 'bartenders': 3022, 'nutshell': 3023, 'restaraunt': 3024, 'smells': 3025, 'sewer': 3026, "girlfriend's": 3027, 'veal': 3028, 'satifying': 3029, 'join': 3030, 'club': 3031, 'email': 3032, 'colder': 3033, 'describing': 3034, 'tepid': 3035, 'chains': 3036, 'words': 3037, 'crowds': 3038, 'juries': 3039, 'lawyers': 3040, 'court': 3041, 'arrives': 3042, 'paying': 3043, '85': 3044, "kid's": 3045, 'wienerschnitzel': 3046, 'classic': 3047, 'maine': 3048, 'roll': 3049, 'brother': 3050, 'law': 3051, 'hereas': 3052, 'event': 3053, 'held': 3054, 'pissd': 3055, 'surprise': 3056, 'golden': 3057, 'hopes': 3058, 'bruschetta': 3059, 'devine': 3060, 'employee': 3061, 'lastly': 3062, 'mozzarella': 3063, 'negligent': 3064, 'unwelcome': 3065, 'suggest': 3066, 'consistent': 3067, 'packed': 3068, 'seasonal': 3069, 'fruit': 3070, 'peach': 3071, 'officially': 3072, 'blown': 3073, 'containers': 3074, 'opposed': 3075, 'cramming': 3076, 'takeout': 3077, 'boxes': 3078, 'crêpe': 3079, 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'allergy': 3140, 'warnings': 3141, 'clue': 3142, 'contain': 3143, 'peanuts': 3144, 'mediterranean': 3145, 'beers': 3146, 'highlight': 3147, 'concern': 3148, 'mellow': 3149, 'mushroom': 3150, 'strawberry': 3151, 'unprofessional': 3152, 'loyal': 3153, 'patron': 3154, 'occasional': 3155, 'pats': 3156, 'bellagio': 3157, 'anticipated': 3158, 'correct': 3159, 'sals': 3160, 'fav': 3161, 'unexperienced': 3162, 'employees': 3163, 'chickens': 3164, 'heads': 3165, 'steakhouse': 3166, 'concept': 3167, 'guacamole': 3168, 'puréed': 3169, 'postinos': 3170, 'poisoning': 3171, 'batch': 3172, 'thinking': 3173, 'yay': 3174, 'hilarious': 3175, 'eve': 3176, 'remember': 3177, 'caring': 3178, 'teamwork': 3179, 'degree': 3180, 'ri': 3181, 'calamari': 3182, 'fondue': 3183, 'scene': 3184, "denny's": 3185, 'downright': 3186, 'waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy': 3187, 'sangria': 3188, 'glass': 3189, 'ridiculous': 3190, 'brisket': 3191, 'trippy': 3192, 'hurry': 3193, 'reservation': 3194, 'stretch': 3195, 'imagination': 3196, 'cashew': 3197, 'chipolte': 3198, 'ranch': 3199, 'dipping': 3200, 'sause': 3201, 'watered': 3202, 'workers': 3203, 'douchey': 3204, 'indoor': 3205, 'garden': 3206, 'con': 3207, 'spotty': 3208, 'ensued': 3209, 'apologize': 3210, 'fill': 3211, 'binge': 3212, 'drinking': 3213, 'carbs': 3214, 'insults': 3215, 'profound': 3216, 'deuchebaggery': 3217, 'solidify': 3218, "don't'": 3219, 'combo': 3220, 'ala': 3221, 'cart': 3222, 'blame': 3223, 'rave': 3224, 'del': 3225, 'avoided': 3226, 'hamburger': 3227, 'hell': 3228, "ya'all": 3229, 'fireball': 3230, 'disapppointment': 3231, 'correction': 3232, 'heimer': 3233, 'putting': 3234, 'cause': 3235, 'vomited': 3236, 'circumstances': 3237, 'tops': 3238, 'brownish': 3239, 'movies': 3240, 'ha': 3241, 'flop': 3242, '99': 3243, 'bigger': 3244, 'unwrapped': 3245, 'mile': 3246, 'brushfire': 3247, "hasn't": 3248, 'closed': 3249, 'mirage': 3250, 'refried': 3251, 'dried': 3252, 'crusty': 3253, 'caterpillar': 3254, 'appetite': 3255, 'instantly': 3256, 'ninja': 3257, "hadn't": 3258, 'poured': 3259, 'wound': 3260, 'drawing': 3261}

Generate sequences for the reviews

Generate a sequence for each review. Set the max length to match the longest review. Add the padding zeros at the end of the review for reviews that are not as long as the longest one.

In [6]:
sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(reviews)
padded_sequences = pad_sequences(sequences, padding='post')

# What is the shape of the vector containing the padded sequences?
# The shape shows the number of sequences and the length of each one.

# What is the first review?
print (reviews[0])

# Show the sequence for the first review

# Try printing the review and padded sequence for other elements.
(1992, 139)
So there is no way for me to plug it in here in the US unless I go by a converter.
[  28   59    8   56  142   13   61    7  269    6   15   46   15    2
  149  449    4   60  113    5 1429    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0]
In [6]: